Accounting Systems & Financial Reporting
Our role extends far beyond simply stamping our name on your financial statements once a year. First, we must know the business behind the figures. With this understanding, financial statements and reports convey accurate and relevant information to management, shareholders, banks and other important audiences. Personal tax planning & tax returns with a qualified tax accountant Paying taxes is a fact of life. The way you organize your affairs, however, can make a great difference. Your tax advisor can formulate and implement a comprehensive personal tax plan for you with a view to minimizing and deferring income tax liabilities and maximizing your income tax return. Gather and sort your key tax documents into the following groups: Social insurance number and other personal data Income T-slips (T4s, T5s, etc.) Records of any other income, such as an income statement from your self-employment Receipts for tax deductions, including medical expenses, charitable donations, childcare or caregiver expenses, monthly transit pass, etc. Data from past tax years such as your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contribution limit, repayments required under the Home Buyers Plan or Lifelong Learning Plan The tax package sent to you by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), including your access code to file online or by telephone (If CRA did not send you a package for the current year, you can get a general income tax form online or from any post office.)
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